热熔扩展-Pharma前接收器 //www.novoestroim.com 2021年6月23日Wed12:40:55+00 en-US 时钟 一号 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.7.2 热Melt解析:产品开发路径//www.novoestroim.com/hot-melt-extrusion/hot-melt-extrusion-roadmap/ Philippe语言 2021年6月23日Wed12:30:02+00 巴斯夫 生物可用性增强 热熔溢出 新闻发布 溶性增强 启动程序 配方 //www.novoestroim.com/?p=230312
Hot-Melt Extrusion - a Roadmap for Product Development

Hot-melt extrusion has found extensive application as a feasible pharmaceutical technological option over recent years.HME应用包括溶性增强、口味掩码和持续释放毒品生物可用性增强是当今科学热题,HME的主要应用之一是非静态固态分布t-mel-Expression/

Hot-Melt Extrusion - a Roadmap for Product Development

Hot-melt extrusion has found extensive application as a feasible pharmaceutical technological option over recent years.HME应用包括溶性增强、口味掩码和持续释放毒品生物可用性增强是当今科学热题,HME主要应用之一是非态固态散射量。

本审查描述HME技术最重要的方面及其用于准备固态散射量,作为提高易溶性药物溶性的一种药方配制策略springer.com/article/10108/s12249-021-7#citeas目标='blank'rel=nopener'Simosss热-MeltExpressive:产品开发路径图aspsPharmScitech 22, 184(2021年)。https://doi.org/10.1208/s12249-021-02017-7

See the new webinar about HME and ASD here:

Webinar series: Advances In Amorphous Solid Dispersion Technologies and HME

Newsletter Registration

Der Beitrag Hot-Melt Extrusion: a Roadmap for Product Development erschien zuerst auf Pharma Excipients.

立即释放配方通过双片熔粒制成:系统评价解分物加法//www.novoestroim.com/hot-melt-extrusion/ir-twin-screw-melt-granulation/ Philippe语言 Tue 2021年6月22日05:40:13+00 Acrylic聚合器 巴斯夫 CMC和CroscameloseSudium 克罗波维多 分解/超分解 热熔溢出 JRS药厂 磁子Stearate 新闻发布 Petro化工 波维多斯 硅二氧化物 水星Glyolate 启动程序 配方 //www.novoestroim.com/?p=230111
Q80% of dissolution of the formulations under investigation

The current study evaluated the effect of location and amount of various superdisintegrants on the properties of tablets made by twin-screw melt granulation (TSMG).单片胶片内分层使用可容性、紧凑性、压缩性以及易碎性、分解性能和分解性能得到评估scre-mel-granation/

Q80% of dissolution of the formulations under investigation

The current study evaluated the effect of location and amount of various superdisintegrants on the properties of tablets made by twin-screw melt granulation (TSMG).单片胶片内分层使用可容性、紧凑性、压缩性以及易碎性、分解性能和分解性能得到评估异常加法导致快速分解和分解CPV性能优于CCS和SG微粒固片对CPV较低,但由于熔粒高塑变形,仅观察到可塑性微小下降语义内添加CPV导致延长分解剖面谱,这可能与分片期间孔隙损失相关百分数内添加CPV结果显著下降分解效率,而SSG性能不受粒子过程影响CCS不适合用于生产即时释放配方,当它以总比例添加到粒子相时,但其效率比CPV低减值最短分解(78s)和分解(sub>80 4.2分钟)用CPV外形实现CPV和CCS内部生成增分时间高层次应用500sap15分钟内,只有 sSG显示进程和位置独立分解性能 。

s/sqstrection-droductioni>APSPharmSciTech 22, 183(2021年)。https://doi.org/1208/s12249-021-02056-0

AEROSIL#200 ),Evonik送送信(Evonik资源效率GmbH,Hanau-Wolfgang,德国)。Sodium starch glycolate (Vivastar® P) and croscarmellose sodium (Vivasol® GF) were donated by JRS (J.RETETENAIERSHNEGH+COKG公司,德国罗森堡orspovidone ( 80%/w)并存也可以保留级阶效率异常加法为CPV > CCS > sSGsSG需要高浓度>6%(w/w),而CPV和CCS已经实现4%(w/w)可接受结果语义内加法显示主要对分解性能产生负作用当CPV添加到粒子处理中时,这种效果非常显赫,CCS效果稍小相形之下,SGs分解效率不受粒子过程影响TSMG连续处理线使用并避免粒子扩散后附加混合步骤时,结果具有根本重要性。

Der Beitrag 三维平板打印-一种对临床即时配方和个性化医学的潜在方法//www.novoestroim.com/news/three-dimensional-printing-tablets/ 汤姆 Frii,2021年6月18日5:30:51+00 3D打印 巴斯夫 Evonik 热熔溢出 HPC-液片纤维素 新闻发布 口语前接收器 整容器 聚乙烯甘醇 波维多斯 启动程序 配方 //www.novoestroim.com/?p=228945

Fig.1.1.Clinical considerations relevant for the personalized dosing need

The oral route is the most common form of drug administration, being a safe and convenient, particularly for solid oral dosage forms.当前大规模制造技术大都产生固定剂量单元并允许有限选择用量强在某些情况下,需要用药强度个性化化,包括髓治法理学

Fig.1.1.Clinical considerations relevant for the personalized dosing need

The oral route is the most common form of drug administration, being a safe and convenient, particularly for solid oral dosage forms.当前大规模制造技术大都产生固定剂量单元并允许有限选择用量强在某些情况下,需要用药强度个性化化,包括髓治疗指数药或伴生药药药-药性/药效药-药性交互作用、酶或运输器药性变异性,以及特殊人群,包括老年人、儿童和肾功能缺陷/肝功能缺陷患者a类='btnbn-defaultbn-md'hrefs.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/this-print-a-aproach-to-Dose个性化可以通过复合或使用其他管理路径实现(例如侧接式),但这些路径缺少与标准制造相同的质量控制水平,不便/可接受性差不等。自动制造个性化固口化强力可解决这一需求开发三维打印自动逐层生成自定义平板三维打印片片子除单点使用外,还有可能用于早期临床试验期间的剂量升级、制片点药短期和制作复杂多药片片件并配有个人化配方图解特别是阻塞沉积建模(FDM),它涉及通过窄热喷嘴并随后沉积准备固态物体而分解热塑丝,似乎对临床现场生产有帮助,因为制造过程没有松散粉末,后处理可以避免。FDM应用需要FDM处理线程由热熔扩展制造。

IR是口服量表最常用发布剖面图,并同时产生来自通过热熔流程制造三维打印片片的固有特性的重大挑战 工作旨在为从FDM-和直接粉打印中产生的独特值建议创建选项,这些方面与标准制造过程基本不同(即分散化制作和定制平板结构)。临界质量属性(CQAs)集成为3D打印片片片的成功标准,包括内容一致性提供剂量精度(相对标准一致性数据偏差)、权重一致性(以确保内容一致性)、分解剖面貌(目标快速释放)和物理化学稳定性此外,还考虑了开发三维打印剂量表的可接受外观和大小。

关键目标之一是开发一个工业化配方工具箱,适合不同的API开发可缩热熔挤出配方并装有多种药量首项研究探索选定前接收者组合实现快速或极快从FDM打印片状带水益模型复合所选水溶聚合物和水分分解/处理辅助工具对FDM兼容性的影响,并结合填充密度对配方质量属性的影响(即重量和内容一致性、分解率)进行了研究。Hypray-Cellose SSL选择为水益聚合物和咖啡因,药载量5-20%热稳定模型药Poly-Serveridone-vilenegletate聚合物(




开发表板时对成人和儿童的尺寸都满足一致性内容需求,以提供精度剂量(相对标准一致性数据偏差)、权重一致性、分解目标(快速释放)和物理化学稳定性运算学研究表明,未来开发IR3D打印剂量表,除适当聚合矩阵选择外,还可以减少闭口孔量,增加开孔量,优化形状/大小和分解之间的平衡水益聚合矩阵与CAD设计相结合,通过FDM或DPP制造,对未来3D打印药产品开发大有希望然而,仍应克服的挑战包括直径整齐化丝状物、精度和可复制沉积质量、设计密度和实际密度差异、可预测最终形态学和丝状机械性能In addition, there might be a need in a real-time monitoring of flow and viscosity of the molten mass during the 3D-printing process.

Download the full dissertation as a PDF here

Author: Marina Fanous, Basel University.

Der Beitrag Three-dimensional printing of tablets – a potential approach to on-clinical-site extemporaneous formulation and personalized medicine erschien zuerst auf Pharma Excipients.

面向预测热熔溢出产品质量:实验工厂规模扩展//www.novoestroim.com/news/predicting-product-quality-hme/ 汤姆 弗里,2021年6月11日12:30:12+00 热熔溢出 新闻发布 启动程序 配方 //www.novoestroim.com/?p=227817
graphical abstract of Towards predicting the product quality in hot-melt extrusion: Pilot plant scale extrusion

Following our study on the impact of hot melt extrusion (HME) process conditions on the product quality, we expanded our investigation to assessing the effect of scale-up on the product quality.arefs/www.pharmaexsubjects.com/priment-products-qual-hme/

graphical abstract of Towards predicting the product quality in hot-melt extrusion: Pilot plant scale extrusion

Following our study on the impact of hot melt extrusion (HME) process conditions on the product quality, we expanded our investigation to assessing the effect of scale-up on the product quality.为此,我们研究流程设置和不同提升变异对实验植物级exruder有效药素退化的影响。

six扩展变异通过分析几个依赖过程变量并交叉参照实验室尺度外壳实验,我们辨识出某些模式The results of the reduced order mechanistic 1D HME simulation of various process states made it possible to establish a correlation between the achieved API degradation and the local melt temperature and the exposure time in specific zones along the screw configuration.

Since the same melt temperature and exposure time correlations were also valid for the lab scale-extruder, such an approach could be used in the future to predict the product quality as a function of processing conditions fully in silico prior to the first extrusion trials.

Download the full article as a PDF here or read it here

Article information: Josip Matić, Carolina Alva, Simone Eder, Kathrin Reusch, Amrit Paudel, Johannes Khinast.面向预测热熔溢出产品质量:实验工厂规模扩展,国际药理学杂志:X卷32021https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpx.2021.100084.

See a webinar about HME and ASD from one of the authors of this publication, Kathrin Reusch, here:

Webinar series: Advances In Amorphous Solid Dispersion Technologies and HME

Newsletter Registration

Der Beitrag Towards predicting the product quality in hot-melt extrusion: Pilot plant scale extrusion erschien zuerst auf Pharma Excipients.

WebNar数列:异态固态分布技术进步//www.novoestroim.com/news/webinar-series-advances-asd/ 汤姆 2021年6月10日05:30:41+00 热熔溢出 新闻发布 新江 启动程序 配方 //www.novoestroim.com/?p=227565
Webinar Series ASD - Company Teaser

In this series of webinars we will discuss the latest developments in the fields of amorphous solid dispersion (ASD) focusing on Excipient Key Attributes linked to the most popular technologies: Hot Melt Extrusion (HME), Spray Drying and their Downstream Processing.Shin-Etsu、Leistritz、ProCepT、Alexanderwerk和受邀讲演者会向您提供 [.]

Der Betrag Webinar数列:不态固态分解技术进步 erschienzuft

Webinar Series ASD - Company Teaser

In this series of webinars we will discuss the latest developments in the fields of amorphous solid dispersion (ASD) focusing on Excipient Key Attributes linked to the most popular technologies: Hot Melt Extrusion (HME), Spray Drying and their Downstream Processing.

During these presentations Shin-Etsu, Leistritz, ProCepT, Alexanderwerk as well as invited speakers will give you more insights into ASD.

FIRST WEBINAR – Tuesday 29 June, 3pm CEST, 9am EST

SECOND WEBINAR – Wednesday 22 September, 3pm CEST, 9am EST

THIRD WEBINAR – Thursday 28 October, 3pm CEST, 9am EST

First Webinar: Hot Melt Extrusion (HME)

ShinEtsu HME Teaser

Hot Melt Extrusion is a well established technology used in ASDs.除非溶解法的好处外,API和聚合物的某些属性必须像玻璃切换温度和分解温度一样加以考虑。

shin-Etsu , leistritz Prof. serajuddin John‘s University will give you more insights into this technology.

The objective of this webinar is to address:

  • How the extruder configuration can impact the ASD
  • The advantages of HPMCAS in ASD
  • How to optimize the extrusion process of HPMCAS


First presentation: Hot melt extrusion for amorphous solid dispersion – Process Design and Applications

Kathrin Reusch, Leistritz GmbH

Kathrin Reusch, Product Manager at Leistritz
Kathrin Reusch, Product Manager at Leistritz

Presentation abstract:

The presentation will give a short background on solid dispersion by Hot Melt Extrusion showing specific process layouts of marketed extruded products.

Based on the case study: "Hot Melt Extrusion of Ritonavir/Lopinavir" process relevant parameters and their impact on the final product quality including scalability will be discussed.

Speaker biography:

Kathrin obtained her degree as Master of Science at the  University of Applied Science Fulda/Germany in 2014

The same year she joined Leistritz as a process engineer (Pharma) responsible for:

  • Preparation, conduction and follow-up of extrusion trials – Definition of process layouts
  • Process optimization, customer support & training
  • Scale-Up experience
  • Installation support (FAT, SAT)
  • Organization of extrusion events (Pharma extrusion academy) and marketing tasks (website, publication, seminars)

In 2019 she took over the responsibility of product manager.

Second Presentation: Development of HPMCAS-based amorphous solid dispersions by melt extrusion

Abu Serajuddin, PhD, Professor of Industrial Pharmacy, College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, St.John's University, Queens, New York, USA

Abu Serajuddin, PhD, Professor of Industrial Pharmacy
Abu Serajuddin, PhD, Professor of Industrial Pharmacy, St.John大学,皇后区,纽约,USA 推文摘要:

近些年营销的7个含HPMCAS单片中,只有1个由HME制造HME不常用,因为exrudeHPMCAS(++170°C)需要高温,聚合物和药可降解情况可能会改变 基于最近实验室研究三种固态表面活性剂(pooxamer 188,polxament 407和TPGS)和一种药模型(itraconaJohn大学,皇后区,美国纽约Serajuddin在药厂工作32年,在Sanofi-Aventis、BMS和Novartis担任科学管理职务曾任Novartis药厂执行董事和美国药厂研发主管并主管Novartis科技论坛,超过125篇论文和书章, 并共同创用13项专利承认他的科学专业成就后,他当选为美国药剂师协会和美国药剂师协会研究员,并获得三项最高奖项,即2010年AAPS设计开发研究成绩奖、2014年AAPS制造科学工程研究成绩奖和2015年AAPSLipid药物提供杰出研究奖AAPS中多位领导Serajuddin曾任预拟焦点组(1994-96年)和药理和药物提供科(2001年)主席2016年获Ralph Shangraw纪念奖,这是国际药商理事会最高科学奖学研究高超教士StJohn大学在2019年授予他大学杰出成绩奖章。

text-align:cent;sqle=bnbn-defaultbn-lg'hrefsm.us/webnar/register/WN_hXyjY7gLAY2gxxxxxwH.Solanki、N.G.Patel、N.G.SerajuddinT.M.2021. surfactics对Itraazole-HPMCS固体散射效果指令提交药理学杂志
  • Patel,N.G.Serajuddin,A.T.,2021年。FDM三维打印片子开发应用酸基超溶化原则快速释放毒品、高药聚合误差并减温打印药理学国际学报 600,p.120524.
  • SiriwannakijN.HeimbachT.T.Serajuddin,A.T.M.2021/OpenQQQEMJournal药理学, 110(4),pp.1480-1494. Batra,A.DesaiSerajuddiv A.T.2020强度单水合物转换为无水分形式/strongQQem国际药学杂志, 588,p.119790. 索兰基市Jaydip瓦索亚市Shah,AbuTM.塞拉朱丁2020.served开发三维打印片板药理学杂志 109(4),pp.1558-1572. Serajuddiv A.T. 2019surfatistics对Itraadole-HydropriSerajuddiv A.T. 2019surfactics对Itraatole-HPMCS固体散射效果二:路由分析与可拆解测试. Journal药理学 108 (9),pp3063-3073 Solangi,N.G.Lam,K.Tahsin,M.G.G.S.S.S.S.S.G.SSerajuddiv A.T. 2019servedistists对iraconazole-HPMCAS固体散射效果Serajuddiv A.T. 2019热熔化多氧甘化物混合开发固态分解,聚合体运算器增加低溶药模型解析率 < em>Journal , 108 (2),pp.88888-896. Solanki,N.G.,Tahsin,M.,Shah,A.VSerajuddiv A.T.2018强度3D打印片板编译解毒导模:筛选聚合物释放药料、药聚合误差和可打印性。 药理Journal , 107 (1),pp.390-401. Solangi,N.Gupta,S.SSerajuddiv A.T.2018servedzol-聚合物分析,以确定最优熔化扩展温度开发非态固态散射量。 /em>Europe Starticss , 111 ,pp.482-491. ParikhSerajuddiv A.T.2018强度快速分解Iraconazole通过熔化与弱有机箱酸和聚合物混合开发Pharmaceutical research, 35, pp.1-10.
  • G.古马斯特S.古普塔T.M.塞拉朱丁surfactant和Polym-Drug-Surfactant离散固态AAPS Journal.18(5),1131-11432016 33:1456-1471-2016\TParikh S.S.古普塔K.Meena,I.维特兹Mahajan AT.M.塞拉朱丁强度投影技术调查药聚合物误差和热熔挤出物物理稳定性science ,104(7),2142-2152(2015年)。古普塔米娜塔Parikh,N Mahajani维特兹T.M.塞拉朱丁Carbamazepine对Exccents和Food Chems ,2014年: 5 (1),56-64.
  • MeenaParikh S.S.古普塔T.M.serajuddin.sunity调查热熔化扩展聚合物热和粘合性,II:Cellulosic聚合物Exccessem/em>Journal ,2014年: 5 (1),46-55. s古普塔米娜塔Parikh AT.M.serajuddin.unargit调查热熔化扩展聚合物热和粘合性,I:Polyvinyrolidone/strongQQemjournal前接收者与食品化工 ,2014!em>5 (1),32-45. 药态不定固态分布:对制造策略审查//www.novoestroim.com/news/amorphous-solid-dispersion-manufacturing-strategies/ Philippe语言 Sun,06Jun202112:27+00 巴斯夫 生物可用性增强 缩放式 热熔溢出 HPPC-Hypraymetellose 新闻发布 溶性增强 溶剂 启动程序 配方 //www.novoestroim.com/?p=226885

    Amorphous solid dispersions (ASDs) are popular for enhancing the solubility and bioavailability of poorly water-soluble drugs.使用各种方法制作asds并出现新手法本审查更新概述制作asds技术物理稳定性是ASD关键质量属性,配方效果 [.]


    Amorphous solid dispersions (ASDs) are popular for enhancing the solubility and bioavailability of poorly water-soluble drugs.使用各种方法制作asds并出现新手法本审查更新概述制作asds技术物理稳定性是ASD关键质量属性,已讨论了配方、设备及流程变量的影响,并讨论了下游处理对ASD物理稳定性的影响。选择策略建议确定合适的制造方法,这些方法可能有助于开发满足物理稳定性a/p/struct/dowload全文本 :Bhujbal, Biplob Mitra, Uday Jain, Yuchuan Gong, Anjali Agrawal, Shyam Karki, Lynne Taylor, Sumit Kumar, Qi Zhou, Pharmaceutical amorphous solid dispersion: A review of manufacturing strategies, Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B, 2021, ISSN 2211-3835, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apsb.2021.05.014 (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2211383521001805)

    Commonly used polymers for ASD preparation

    PolymerTg(°C)Solubility in solvents
    Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose175‒185Water, ethanol:dichloromethane (1:1, 2:1), methyl acetate:methanol (1:1)
    Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose acetate succinate100‒110Caustic water, acetone, methanol, dichloromethane, chloroform
    Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose phthalate133‒137Water, acetone, ethyl acetate, methyl ethyl ketone, ethanol:dichloromethane (1:1) methanol, dichloromethane, tetrahydrofuran
    Polyvinylpyrrolidone175‒180Water, acetone, ethanol, methanol, ethyl acetate, methyl ethyl ketone, dichloromethane, tetrahydrofuran
    Polyvinylpyrrolidone/vinyl acetate70‒110Water, acetone, ethanol, methanol, ethyl acetate, methyl ethyl ketone, dichloromethane, tetrahydrofuran
    Polymethacrylates derivatives (Eudragit®-L100, S100)>150Water (only L100), acetone, ethanol, methanol, ethanol:dichloromethane (1:1)
    Cellulose acetate phthalate160‒170Acetone, ethyl acetate, methyl ethyl ketone
    Soluplus®72water, acetone, ethanol, methanol, dichloromethane

    Source: Pharmaceutical amorphous solid dispersion: A review of manufacturing strategies

    A successful development of amorphous solid dispersion formulations depends on three primary factors: active pharmaceutical ingredient properties, stabilizing polymer, and processing technology.聚合物为稳定药态化提供基础和基本基础,过程提供将系统变换成非态式所需的能量进程有效性对生成、捕捉和保存无变形式至关紧要成功这些过程取决于处理时间和超饱和条件形成固化散射时产生。


    DerBeitrag 新元热塑弹性体用于三维打印长效药交付应用//www.novoestroim.com/news/novel-polyester-thermoplastic-elastomers-3dp/ 汤姆 2021年6月2日wed+0 3D打印 毒贩子 提供药 热熔溢出 新闻发布 启动程序 配方 //www.novoestroim.com/?p=226068
    graphical abstract of Novel polyester-based thermoplastic elastomers for 3D-printed long-acting drug delivery applications

    To improve patient compliance and personalised drug delivery, long-acting drug delivery devices (LADDDs), such as implants and inserts, greatly benefit from a customisation in their shape through the emerging 3D-printing technology, since their production usually follows a one-size-fits-most approach.三维打印LADDs使用受限制,但主要受三维可打印应用不足的限制 [.]

    Der Beitrag

    graphical abstract of Novel polyester-based thermoplastic elastomers for 3D-printed long-acting drug delivery applications

    To improve patient compliance and personalised drug delivery, long-acting drug delivery devices (LADDDs), such as implants and inserts, greatly benefit from a customisation in their shape through the emerging 3D-printing technology, since their production usually follows a one-size-fits-most approach.The use of 3D-printing for LADDDs, however, is mainly limited by the shortage of flawlessly 3D-printable, yet biocompatible materials.


    A novel 3D-printing excipient for long-acting drug delivery devices is introduced.

    A mechanistic understanding of material requirements for 3D-printing is presented.

    A novel progesterone immersion strategy for 3D-printed devices is developed.

    The novel excipient shows comparable drug permeability to ethylene-vinyl acetate.

    The present study tackles this issue by introducing a novel, non-biodegradable material, namely a polyester-based thermoplastic elastomer (TPC) – a multi-block copolymer containing alternating semi-crystalline polybutylene terephthalate hard segments and poly-ether-terephthalate amorphous soft segments.下一步详细描述材料3D可打印性,通过机械、风学和热学分析发现优于传统聚合物(ene-evenyacates),本研究首次建立对progeTPC展示了广选移植尺寸和复杂地理特征的3D可打印性。


    Der Beitrag Novel polyester-based thermoplastic elastomers for 3D-printed long-acting drug delivery applications erschien zuerst auf Pharma Excipients.

    单调硅化物:穷玻璃原型不定稳定化的解法//www.novoestroim.com/news/mesoporous-silica-poor-glass-formers/ 汤姆 Frii,2021年5月28日05:30:39+00 热熔溢出 默克 新闻发布 西里卡 喷雾干燥 启动程序 配方 //www.novoestroim.com/?p=224780

    Introduction: Amorphous formulation technologies to improve oral absorption of poorly soluble active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) have become increasingly prevalent.聚合物非态配方目前最常用的是喷干热熔化或混合降水但这些技术挑战在于成功稳定s/www.pharmaexccidents.com/news/mesoporous-silica-poor-slipss/

    Introduction: Amorphous formulation technologies to improve oral absorption of poorly soluble active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) have become increasingly prevalent.聚合物非态配方目前最常用的是喷干热熔化或混合降水但这些技术在成功稳定穷玻璃原复合物方面有挑战,偏差硅状单片解析法稳定非晶状单片解析纳米尺度内

    Aims和假设语: 开发成功后,从稳定角度评估配方,同时考虑固态性能和分解性能It was hypothesized that mesoporous silica would show enhanced amorphous stability for poorly soluble poor glass formers compared to hot melt extrusion.

    Mesoporous silica - a solution for amorphous stabilization of poor glass formers Download the full poster as a PDF here

    Conclusions: Although polymeric-based amorphous solid dispersions are most prevalent, they may not be suitable for poorly soluble compounds that are also poor glass formers.显示溶性差和无变稳定性差的这些复合物对配制典型聚合基技术具有挑战性,因为可能分解和内分解归根结底,这些复合物在开发药剂期间可能增加失效风险,因为它们从生物可用性和不定稳定性角度构成风险在这次研究中,我们证明不良玻璃组成a相形之下,多思西里卡显示为此类API提供最优稳定化Therefore, mesoporous silica could be an attractive formulation technology to expand the formulation toolbox for APIs that are poor glass formers.

    Article information: Daniel Joseph Price, Felix Ditzinger, Anita Nair, Jennifer Dressman, Christoph Saal, Martin Kuentz

    See our mesoporous silica overview article here!

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    Der Beitrag Mesoporous silica: a solution for amorphous stabilization of poor glass formers erschien zuerst auf Pharma Excipients.

    不定固态分布内含残留晶体性:分解和矩阵晶化竞赛//www.novoestroim.com/bioavailability-enchancement/residual-crystallinity-in-asd/ Philippe语言 mon,2021年5月24日2.3043+00 生物可用性增强 热熔溢出 新闻发布 波维多斯 溶性增强 启动程序 配方 //www.novoestroim.com/?p=224058
    Amorphous Solid Dispersions Containing Residual Crystallinity

    Crystallinity in an amorphous solid dispersion (ASD) may negatively impact dissolution performance by causing lost solubility advantage and/or seeding crystal growth leading to desupersaturation.研究的目标是评价Biculamide/Polyvinil-crystality内残留晶体化生成ASDss

    Amorphous Solid Dispersions Containing Residual Crystallinity

    Crystallinity in an amorphous solid dispersion (ASD) may negatively impact dissolution performance by causing lost solubility advantage and/or seeding crystal growth leading to desupersaturation.研究的目的是评价Bicalutamide/Polyvinyrli内射光谱学、极分光显微镜学和扫描电子显微镜学用来描述晶体动能和机制特征完全不动asd(0%晶度)不完全分解并结晶化为元可变多态(2形)非沉入条件下实现更高程度超饱和度,因为核分离前初始解密畅通性 。

    ACSD内含剩余晶性显著降低超饱和度固介晶化(矩阵结晶化)耗尽非态固态,生长稳定多态水槽条件下完全不动asd和晶体混合比含剩余晶性assds快速释放后一系统矩阵结晶化导出高聚化晶体并具有高相对面积求解介晶化不是集中损耗的重要驱动力,因为当PVA出现求解时晶化增速慢BCL/PVAACDs残留晶化高风险来源于(1)晶子快速矩阵晶化传播和(2)稳定晶形生长这项研究对含残留晶性ASD性能分解有影响springer.com/article/10.1208/s12248-021-00598-6i>APSJ 23 23> 69>2021https://doi.org/10.1208/s12248-021-00598-6

    Der Beitrag Amorphous Solid Dispersions Containing Residual Crystallinity: Competition Between Dissolution and Matrix Crystallization erschien zuerst auf Pharma Excipients.

    热熔溢出:高亮制药应用最近的进展//www.novoestroim.com/news/hme-recent-pharmaceutical-advances/ 汤姆 卫星2021年5月22日12:30:53+00 3D打印 受控发布前接收器 缩放式 热熔溢出 新闻发布 溶性增强 启动程序 配方 //www.novoestroim.com/?p=223444
    graphical abstract of Hot-melt extrusion: Highlighting recent advances in pharmaceutical applications

    Hot-melt extrusion (HME) has emerged as a pioneering manufacturing technology for pharmaceutical industries, and the utilization is overgrowing due to its unit operation, cost-effectiveness, solvent-free nature, and continuous manufacturing as compared to conventional techniques.首要重心应放在研究配方和过程参数上,以满足需求。修改设备 [.]

    Der Beitrag Hot-melt扩展语

    graphical abstract of Hot-melt extrusion: Highlighting recent advances in pharmaceutical applications

    Hot-melt extrusion (HME) has emerged as a pioneering manufacturing technology for pharmaceutical industries, and the utilization is overgrowing due to its unit operation, cost-effectiveness, solvent-free nature, and continuous manufacturing as compared to conventional techniques.首要重心应放在研究配方和过程参数上,以满足需求。By modifying the equipment design and varying a few processing conditions, a myriad of different dosage forms for various applications can be developed.


    This paper describes the Hot-melt extrusion (HME) equipment, process and materials.

    Recent advancements in the applications of HME are reviewed.

    Opportunities for HME technology in the veterinary field are discussed.

    Recent patents of last five years in field of HME are presented.

    An insight on pharmaceutical HME market globally is elucidated.

    In-depth pre-formulation research is required for the rational selection of an active pharmaceutical ingredient, carrier, and additives for the smooth and continuous functioning of the HME process to achieve the desired product.近些年来,审查渠道从全局角度分析几种设备组件、处理需求、HME使用的材料和各种药送系统使用HME综合论文介绍数大新契机和创新方法,如三维打印剂量表、滥用确定式配方、共发药、时代药交付、联播器、纳米技术、半固片、双片粒子和多项应用。



    Der Beitrag Hot-melt extrusion: Highlighting recent advances in pharmaceutical applications erschien zuerst auf Pharma Excipients.

    播客:热熔解析-配方方法和技术//www.novoestroim.com/news/hme-formulation-technologies/ Philippe语言 Tue2021年5月18日2.3021+00 热熔溢出 鲁比卓 新闻发布 启动程序 //www.novoestroim.com/?p=222664
    intro poster of the podcast: Formulation approaches and technologies for hot melt extrusion

    While hot melt extrusion was developed in the 1930s and initially used in the plastics and food sector, the pharmaceutical industry has now firmly embraced this technology platform in its manufacturing as a way of solving formulation challenges, particularly those around solubility enhancement.方法的优点包括使用广度 [.]

    >Der Betrag erschienzu

    intro poster of the podcast: Formulation approaches and technologies for hot melt extrusion

    While hot melt extrusion was developed in the 1930s and initially used in the plastics and food sector, the pharmaceutical industry has now firmly embraced this technology platform in its manufacturing as a way of solving formulation challenges, particularly those around solubility enhancement.

    Advantages of the approach include the ability to use a wide range of excipients and the ease with which process analytical technology can be incorporated.

    In this podcast, we explore how HME has developed as proven technology for bioavailability enhancement of poorly soluble active pharmaceutical ingredients, and how it stacks up against other formulation options in terms of cost and scalability in order to deliver high quality, commercialised pharmaceutical products.

    Source: Podcast recorded at CPhi discover with Bruce Frank
    Vice President, Operations and Client Services
    Lubrizol Life Science Health

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    Der Beitrag Podcast: Hot Melt Extrusion – Formulation Approaches and Technologies erschien zuerst auf Pharma Excipients.

    进程变量和Binder浓度对Metforin Hydroid和ActominophenGranes可容性的影响//www.novoestroim.com/news/melt-granulation-metformin-binder/ Philippe语言 Tue2021年5月18日9:30:03+00 Acrylic聚合器 阿什兰 巴斯夫 宾德 Evonik 热熔溢出 新闻发布 Petro化工 启动程序 配方 //www.novoestroim.com/?p=222649
    graphical abstract of The Effect of Process Variables and Binder Concentration on Tabletability of Metformin Hydrochloride and Acetaminophen Granules Produced by Twin Screw Melt Granulation with Different Polymeric Binders

    In twin screw melt granulation, granules are produced by passing mixtures of drug substances and polymeric binders through twin screw extruder such that temperatures are maintained below melting point of drugs but above glass transition of polymers used, whereby the polymers coat surfaces of drug particles and cause their agglomeration into granules.自各种配方 [.]

    Der Beitrag ss//news/mel-granation-metfin-binder/>进程变量和Binder集中对Metformi

    graphical abstract of The Effect of Process Variables and Binder Concentration on Tabletability of Metformin Hydrochloride and Acetaminophen Granules Produced by Twin Screw Melt Granulation with Different Polymeric Binders

    In twin screw melt granulation, granules are produced by passing mixtures of drug substances and polymeric binders through twin screw extruder such that temperatures are maintained below melting point of drugs but above glass transition of polymers used, whereby the polymers coat surfaces of drug particles and cause their agglomeration into granules.

    Since various formulation factors, such as binder type and concentration, and processing variables like extrusion temperature, screw configuration, and screw speed, can influence the granulation process, the present investigation was undertaken to study their effects on tabletability of granules produced.三种聚合物绑定器,/p>/d进程变量包括螺旋配置:eforminHCl低中高剪切值和actaminophen中低中剪切值摄取速率:20和60g/min螺旋速度100和300RPM构件和过程变量对可分片性有重大影响目标抗拉强度2兆帕可用所有聚合物并用所有处理温度求得,当Metformin HCl在180摄氏度和acetaminophen在130摄氏度被粒化时在其他温度下,目标抗拉强度在某些特定处理条件下可实现href="https://link.sprianger.com/aclll1228s122490211-02018-6jjects='blank'relshttps://doi.org/10.1208/s12249-021-02018-6

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    Der Beitrag The Effect of Process Variables and Binder Concentration on Tabletability of Metformin Hydrochloride and Acetaminophen Granules Produced by Twin Screw Melt Granulation with Different Polymeric Binders erschien zuerst auf Pharma Excipients.

    探索新载体提高Itraconazole生物可用性:热熔聚变固化分布//www.novoestroim.com/news/carrier-bioavailability-itraconazole/ 汤姆 2021年5月8日07:30:59+00 巴斯夫 生物可用性增强 毒贩子 热熔溢出 新闻发布 固态散射 溶性增强 启动程序 配方 //www.novoestroim.com/?p=220378
    graphical abstract of Exploring novel carrier for improving bioavailability of Itraconazole: Solid dispersion through hot-melt extrusion

    Kollicoat® Smartseal (Methyl methacrylate and diethylaminoethyl methacrylate copolymer dispersion) which is used for taste masking and moisture protection, has shown the ability for forming solid dispersion.本研究旨在比照高熔点模型Itraconahrefs/www.pharmaexccepties.com/news/carrier-biopity-itraconazole/

    graphical abstract of Exploring novel carrier for improving bioavailability of Itraconazole: Solid dispersion through hot-melt extrusion

    Kollicoat® Smartseal (Methyl methacrylate and diethylaminoethyl methacrylate copolymer dispersion) which is used for taste masking and moisture protection, has shown the ability for forming solid dispersion.本研究旨在比照高熔点像Itraconazole模型研究in-vihrefs/www.pharmaex接收者.com/hot-melt-extrusi因此,拥有承运人可解决所有这些问题,将使业界为开发配方多选承运人。因此,作者试图解决这一问题并证明小承运人开发HME技术的能力Itraconadole固态散射编译、标注并测试大鼠的in-vivo 性能结果表明载波温度范围为120°C-220°C,行为良好Itraconazole对载波产生整形效果invitro 结果显示20倍溶性高于平面itraconazole.


    Der Beitrag Exploring novel carrier for improving bioavailability of Itraconazole: Solid dispersion through hot-melt extrusion erschien zuerst auf Pharma Excipients.

    开发、优化和现场评价使用热熔溢出技术加载聚变膜:质量设计方法//www.novoestroim.com/news/cyanocobalamin-odf-hme-qbd-approach/ 汤姆 弗里2021年5月7日12:3051+00 巴斯夫 电影前 热熔溢出 新闻发布 启动程序 配方 //www.novoestroim.com/?p=220106
    graphical abstract of Development, optimization and in-vivo evaluation of cyanocobalamin loaded orodispersible films using hot-melt extrusion technology: A quality by design (QbD) approach

    Vitamin B12 deficiency is associated with high risks of cognitive decline, neuropathy, megaloblastic anaemia and depression.因此,需要开发维他命B12创新配方恢复最优血清维他命B12水平(200-900皮克/毫升),特别是在复发病人中小说cyanobalin加载或分解薄膜开发 [.]

    Der Beitrag 开发、优化和动态评价cyanobalalin加载或分解薄膜应用热熔扩展技术:设计质量方法 erschienzufta

    graphical abstract of Development, optimization and in-vivo evaluation of cyanocobalamin loaded orodispersible films using hot-melt extrusion technology: A quality by design (QbD) approach

    Vitamin B12 deficiency is associated with high risks of cognitive decline, neuropathy, megaloblastic anaemia and depression.因此,需要开发维他命B12创新配方恢复最优血清维他命B12水平(200-900皮克/毫升),特别是在复发病人中The present investigation deals with developing novel cyanocobalamin-loaded orodispersible films (ODFs) using Soluplus® as a film-forming polymer by hot-melt extrusion technology and application of Box-Behnken statistical design for formulation and process optimization.


    Robust, patient-friendly cyanocobalamin orodispersible films (ODFs) was developed.

    Hot-melt extrusion technology was employed.

    Soluplus® as film former was explored.

    Quality by design was applied to optimize cyanocobalamin ODFs.

    Pharmacokinetic studies of developed and marketed films were investigated.

    The amount of Soluplus®, glycerine and menthol were the critical formulation variables influencing critical quality attributes of films such as tensile strength, disintegration time, dissolution and permeation rate.受物理化学特征测试时从熔膜中获取满意结果所有熔膜展示立即分解并完全分解 10分钟内完全分解ex-Vio渗透研究显示,比普通药解法更能从熔膜中渗透cyanobalinSEM和AFM分析显示,青歧蚁分布于优化膜全表层Raman光谱学确认HME处理后cyanobalin的稳定性。

    a兔子模型应用来确定ODFs药效学并使用LC-MS/MS生物解析法营销Quicobaliveobalin从优化ODFs和营销产品生物利用率显示相似等离子浓缩时间剖面稳定性研究显示六个月内没有明显的物理变化science/artist.com/abs/pii/S1773224722392目标s='blank'rel='noopener'>阅读此文章 DoE case studies in QbD development"?

    Webinar Teaser from Norbert Poellinger about Multiparticulates

    Der Beitrag Development, optimization and in-vivo evaluation of cyanocobalamin loaded orodispersible films using hot-melt extrusion technology: A quality by design (QbD) approach erschien zuerst auf Pharma Excipients.

    堆热熔化并装沉积建模:成功性能关键属性//www.novoestroim.com/3d-printing/coupling-hot-melt-extrusion-fused-deposition-modeling/ Philippe语言 元2021年4月12日12:30:19+00 3D打印 热熔溢出 新闻发布 启动程序 配方 //www.novoestroim.com/?p=214565
    Coupling hot melt extrusion and fused deposition modeling

    Interest in 3D printing for pharmaceutical applications has increased in recent years.与其他三维打印技术相比,热熔化叠加模HME技术可与FDM3D打印相伴并发并发关键药聚合物 uncls/www.pharmaexsubjects.com/3d-printing/coupling-hot-mel-fuse-depose/

    Coupling hot melt extrusion and fused deposition modeling

    Interest in 3D printing for pharmaceutical applications has increased in recent years.与其他三维打印技术相比,DerBetrag